It’s a simple fact. If you make your customers feel valued and appreciated, they will feel good about doing business with you, which goes a long way in making your business grow.

Face it we all want to feel that we are, in some way, special. Think of a time when someone confessed they think you’re pretty amazing, how much they like spending time with you or told you that do great work.  Felt pretty terrific huh?

When you are purposeful about doing things that make other people feel good, you make a positive difference in two lives, the other person – and yourself! Not only are you bringing a ray of sunshine into someone’s day, you’re building your reputation for being a positive influence in the workplace…and everywhere you go. Just make sure you are being real and sincere. People can spot a phony a mile away.

Living a positively-charged existence can transform your business into a happier and more fun place to work; somewhere you actually enjoy spending time. Customers will pick up on all those good feelings and be drawn to be around them over and over again, which will in turn increase your company’s sales.

This way of interacting with people feels so good it will naturally spill over into your personal life, drawing friends and family closer turning your house into a happier home.

You may be surprised to hear how easy it is to do this. Here are a few simple things you can do show people how special they are.

Encourage – Regardless of who you are everyone needs an occasional boost. Here's a quote from Todd Smith that I just love.  'Encouragement does for humans what sunshine and rain do for flowers.'

Compliment – Whenever you can give a sincere compliment do it! Whether by note, e-mail, text or in person – even better if this praise is given in front of others.

Actively listen – Giving someone your complete attention shows you care, are interested in them and what they have to say.

Give without expectation – Next time you see someone in need of a helping hand…give it without thinking of what you will get in return.  Volunteer to help a co-worker out or show you are a team player by offering to take on a less than desirable task.

Be interested in others – Get curious about people, ask about things that are important to them and really listen. Remember things they have told you about upcoming events, vacations or family members and inquire about them, confirming that you have a sincere interest in their lives.

Stay in touch – Act like an AT&T commercial. You know…’Reach out and touch someone’.  Let people know you’ve been thinking about them, don’t put off making contact for another day! Asking how someone is doing is always appreciated.

Keep your smile handy – and use it often. A sincere smile is everyone’s best feature; it never goes out of style and doesn’t cost a thing. A smile can brighten someone’s day in an instant. In fact they will be hard pressed to not smile in return. – Go ahead – make their day!